[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T299429: Unhandled exception occurs when a custom localizer class is applied to ChartControl]
I was trying the latest 15.1.10 update and now another error comes when I use the Chart Localizer:
This happens when a chartControl is created :
A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in DevExpress.XtraCharts.v15.1.dll
at DevExpress.XtraCharts.AppearanceRepository.RegisterAppearance(ChartAppearance appearance)
at DevExpress.XtraCharts.AppearanceRepository…ctor()
at DevExpress.XtraCharts.Native.Chart…ctor(IChartContainer container)
at DevExpress.XtraCharts.ChartControl…ctor()
at NemoAnalyzer.AbstractForms.ChildForms.PivotForms.PivotBaseForm.InitializeComponent() in c:\TFS2010\Winforms\MaritechProducts\WiseAnalyzer\WiseAnalyzer5.0\NemoAnalyzer.AbstractForms\ChildForms\BaseForms\PivotBaseForm.Designer.cs:line 67
Hello Stefán,
Based on your description, I have created a sample project to reproduce the issue, but it looks fine on my side. So, I guess that there is some specific in your project. Would you please modify the project from the attachment or create your own sample to illustrate the issue?
We are looking forward to your feedback.
Hi Maxim,
Try to move the ChartLocalizer line so it is called before the InitializeComponent.
public Form1() { ChartLocalizer.Active = new GenericChartLocalizer(); InitializeComponent(); UpdateDataSource(); InitializeChartControl(); }
That will create the same error I get.
I have managed to reproduce the described problem on my side. It will require some time to research it in greater detail. I have passed this issue to our developers for further research. We will update the thread once we have any results.
Hello Constant, no have news about this ticket? He is preventing my project to update to latest version of DevExpress and avail the fixis of others bugs :/
Alysson Guimarães - Sisloc Softwares Ltda.
Although I cannot provide you with any extra news about this subject, I can say that we are keenly aware of just how needed it is. In fact, once we make any progress, you will be automatically notified. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you Constant!
The problem in web has disappeared in new version: 15.2.6 after update.