Ticket T336371
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NullReferenceException is raised when the OrgChartController.OnItemsSourceChanged method is called

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T332969: How to generate shapes in DiagramControl from a hierarchical source]
Before proceeding to the connectors solution you just provided, I tried to implement the OrgChartController class approach. I made all the needed adjustments to cover the name, key and parent values but now I'm getting the attached runtime error on the stage the controller is getting my data source ("OnItemsSourceChanged" method).
Any ideas why this is happening? All 3 (name, key and parent) fields have values for all the items in the list I'm sending to the class.

Show previous comments (2)
Alexander Russkov (DevExpress) 9 years ago

    Hi Andreas,
    It's also possible that the ParentMember property points to a property that doesn't exist in your underlying data object.


    AO AO
    Andreas.Oikonomidis 9 years ago

      Issue is now solved. Thanks a lot for all your help Alexander!

      Alexander Russkov (DevExpress) 9 years ago

        You are welcome, Andreas. I am happy to hear that the issue has been resolved!

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 9 years ago

        The issue may occur when the ParentMember property points to a property that doesn't exist in the underlying data object or when there is a null value in the source collection.


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