[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T316264: FloatGroup.SizeToContent doesn't work when WindowsFormsHost is used as the root content]
XtraGrid - SizeToContent does not work
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
Hi Thomas,
I have discussed this issue with my colleagues from the WinForms team and confirm that XtraGrid does not support the size-to-content mode. It can be supported manually using the approach from the How to change the Grid's height according to the total height of its rows article (I see that you used the same approach in the CustomGridControl.UpdateGridSize method).
For this reason, I suggest you continue using this approach. I see that you faced issues with re-sizing controls located in docked panels when this approach is used. Please check our last comment How to size FloatPanel with XtraGrid located inside the WindowsFormsHost control, where we described a solution.