Ticket T329536
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Control properties are not available in markup

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM Q532188: ASP page saving / upadting is very slow with DevExpress controls]
This would work better is more properties were available in source view for an .aspx page.  For example, the 'Items' property is often not displayed for an ASPxComboBox if not already defined… What determines which subset of a control's properties are not displayed in source view?

Comments (1)
Sergi (DevExpress) 9 years ago

    Hello Jay,

    In general, all properties available in the VS designer may be set in ASPx markup as well, including the ASPxComboBox.Items property. If you faced issues with adjusting certain properties in the page markup, please clarify how to reproduce the issue or post a small sample project where it may be reproduced. We will review it and try to find a solution.

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