Ticket T329427
Visible to All Users

An unknown WinINet error has occurred (code 12113)

created 9 years ago

Hy when i try to publish any application i receive many errors lyke those in the following image.
I tryed to rebuild, to delete the folder bin and obj and then rebuild the application again but nothing to do. The names of the file sometimes are the same and other times are different. I don't know any more what to do.
When i publish on the same machine from other computers the problem disappears.
Can you help me please?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago (modified 6 years ago)


I see that you are experiencing the issue with the ClickOnce deployment. I should say that this shortcoming does not relate to our libraries. I have searched on the Internet and found the following article that can help you: FTP Publish Error in Visual Studio 2013. If this article does not contain useful information for you, I recommend that you contact Microsoft Support Team for further assistance in this regard.

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