Ticket T327664
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Provide more locations for cell formats

Drop Down Number Format List and Cell Format Dialog Box not usable

created 9 years ago

there are serious issues and inconsistencies using the Drop Down Number Format List and Cell Format Dialog Box.
-Predefined Short, Long Date and Currency formats are displayed in the Drop Down and Cell Format Dialog as “Custom”

-When working with non US (English) cultures, the Format Dialog Box shows in the Locate (location) field English (U.S.)

I enclosed a video to demonstrate the problems. There are a lot of them!

Merry Christmas

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago


Currently only the en-US location is supported for cell formats. Thus, SpreadsheetControl sets formatting for other cultures only by using custom cell formats. Our developers will research the possibility of extending the number of supported locations in future versions of the control.

Please stay tuned to our What's New announcements of future releases to be notified when this feature is implemented.

Merry Christmas to you too!

    Comments (2)

      The Format Dialog has bugs. I enclosed an PDF to document the sloppy coding. I wonder what a client would say? Especially foreign clients. 2 years ago DevExpress  promised to fix the Foreign Culture problem (ID Q585388). Therefore the conclusion is: "the Format Dialog BOX is not usable!"
      My DevExpress trial period ends soon.  I really like the Spreadsheet, on the other I have  spent a lot of time to document bugs. Some of them so serious, that the compatibility with MS Excel (see T318660) is not guaranteed.
      Later I'll send a new ticket. Problems wit the formula bar.

      DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

        Hi Max,

        >>The Format Dialog has bugs. I enclosed an PDF to document the sloppy coding. <<

        I have researched the document you provided and found two issues with detecting a date format.
        The first issue is when SpreadsheetControl determines a long date format as a custom format. I agree with you that this behavior looks a bit misleading, however to change it, it is necessary to override the SpreadsheetControl format recognition engine completely. We have added a note to perform this task in future releases of the product. Please stay tuned to our What's New announcements of future  releases to be notified when this feature is implemented.

        The second issue appears while switching a custom format for a long date value to a date format in the Format Cells dialog. I created a separate ticket regarding this issue and passed it to our developers: T329057: A long date format is recognized incorrectly in the Format Cells dialog. They will research the issue and do their best to fix it. Please refer to this thread to track our progress.

        We also don't reject the task to support more locations for number formats. We are tracking all the customer requests regarding this feature and will consider its implementation in future major releases.

        >>Later I'll send a new ticket. Problems wit the formula bar.<<

        We are waiting for your inquiry and will do our best to resolve it. Thank you for your assistance in improving our controls.

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