Ticket T326091
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How to disable selection checkboxes in the ASPxTreeList

created 9 years ago

We are using ASPxTreeList to show hierarchial data.Our requirement is to disable selection checkbox (not hide).
For selection checkbox to disable ,we have tried in the event HtmlRowPrepared of ASPxTreeList
  code snippet:
  foreach (TableCell cell in e.Row.Cells)
     if (cell is DevExpress.Web.ASPxTreeList.Internal.TreeListSelectionCell)
             (cell.Controls[0] as WebControl).Visible = false; //This is working
(cell.Controls[0] as WebControl).Enabled  = false;  //This is not working

The selection checkbox is not getting disabled. visible false is working but enable false is not working.

The problem for this solutino is provided in below example but the example link is also not working .

Could you please suggest if I am missing something here or any workaround to disable selection checkbox.


Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago


    Would you please provide me with the problematic page markup and code behind illustrating your current progress? It will allow me to research the project locally and I will do my best to find the cause of the incorrect behavior.

      we just need to disable selection checkbox in the ASPxTreeList.
      we are using HTMLRowPrepared event for this
      cell.Controls[0] as WebControl).Enabled  = false
      As said earlier, visible false is working but enable false is not working.
      We followed the same logic as provided in the below support example, but the RunOnline link is also not working for us to verify the solution.

      DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago


        I may need additional time to research this issue. I will update the thread as soon as possible.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 9 years ago


        We have researched this behavior and found that currently ASPxTreeList does not provide the capability to disable selection checkboxes. I have created a separate ticket on this issue - ASPxTreeList - It is impossible to disable a selection check box. You can add it to your favorites and track all updates.

        For now, as a workaround, you can hide the required checkboxes. However, if this option does not meet your requirements, we can provide you with a workaround containing internal undocumented methods (which can be modified in future builds without any notification). Let me know if you need this option.
        I hope this information helps.

          Show previous comments (1)
          DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago


            Attached is a sample project illustrating how to disable selection checkboxes for nodes that have child nodes. Let me know if it helps.

              Thanks for the solution. It is working.

              DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

                You are welcome.

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