I cannot choose my version of the XtraGrid suite in the combobox on this ticket form.
I have version of the XtraGrid suite.
My users all want the filter on the gridview to be a checkedlist.
This i have done like this :
C#ColumnView view = (ColumnView)gridControl1.ViewCollection[0];
foreach (GridColumn col in view.Columns)
col.OptionsFilter.FilterPopupMode = FilterPopupMode.CheckedList;
This works, but has a bug.
In the filterpopup the option "Custom" is gone, it only shows "Select All".
I have done a livechat with someone from devexpress and he said that I should make a ticket for this because this is probably a bug.
So my question is, how can I setup checkedlist for columns and also keep the Custom option.
Its seems so logical to me and to all users here that I cannot understand why the custom option is gone ?
I have attached an image, what we need is the checked list filter on the right of the image, but the (custom) option in the left side of the image should also be available on the right side, so the user can choose how to filter and is not restricted in any way.