Ticket T318038
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Issues with NavigationFrame and Prinpreview for ServerMode GridControl

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)


Attached is a sample project that shows the issues i have encountered while creating a printpreview of a gridcontrol bound to a WcfInstantFeedbackDataSource.

The MainWindow contains a NavigationFrame control and a gridcontrol. I navigate to a another view to show the printpreview.  The PrintPreview view contans an AppBar control with an AppBarBackButton.
My real project needs to set the dataservicecontext merge option to MergeOption.OverwriteChanges .

When i navigate back to the MainWindow from PrinPreview view i get a null reference exception.This exception doesn't occur if i remove the merge option setting.

Another issue is that if the WindowState for the MainWindow is not set to WindowState="Maximized" initially, the AppBarBackButton doesnt work(can't navigate back).

How can i overcome these issues?


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)


Usually we avoid discussing multiple questions within the same thread because this makes it difficult to track the entire conversation. Therefore, I have moved your questions to separate tickets:

  1. Printing GridControl in ServerMode causes a NullReference exception
  2. AppBarBackButton doesn't work within NavigationFrame

Please refer to them for further discussion.


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