Ticket T317724
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Do I already use CodeRush for Roslyn?

created 9 years ago

The attached Screen Shows the Version of CodeRush I am using.

We have big Problems in using CodeRush in large Solutions with complex Reference constellations.

eg. the loading of the Unit-Test Runner takes minutes to finish and this resultet in many developers no longer using CodeRush.

If I search the current extensions for VS 2015 the I can still see the "CodeRush for Roslyn preview"

Is the Roslyn Extension still in preview or am I already using the Roslyn CodeRush when working in VS 2015.

This is not really clear to me.

Thanks a lot for a short clarification.

Best regards,

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago

Hi, Alex,
We are happy to announce that we have added a separate tab for Test execution output in CodeRush for Roslyn 1.0.9. The full list of new features is available in What's New.

    created 9 years ago

    Hello Alex,

    Let me clarify the current state of affairs.
    Currently, CodeRush for Roslyn(CRR) is under active development, and we have ported most of the features from CodeRush Classic(CRC).
    Though this version is under preview, it is stable, and a lot of developers are already actively using it.
    We plan to port the majority of the features and remove the preview status by the 16.1 release.
    If you are experiencing performance issues working with large projects using CRC, I strongly recommend you try to use the CRR version.
    High performance is a significant improvement in CRR in comparison to CRC.
    There is also a possibility to use both CRC and CRR versions on the same machine (by turning off unwanted features in CRC or CRR depending on what you need).
    We would also be grateful if you write us about your results of using CRR, as well as features that you are missing, should there be any.

      Show previous comments (5)
      DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

        Hello Alex,
        Thank you for providing the additional information.
        Regarding these issues:
        - various hangs from time to time
        - the huge amount of Memory used when loaded (solution loaded without CR for Roslyn uses about 1.2GB when CR for Roslyn is loadad the Memory increases to 1.8GB). VS doesn't really like a Memory consumption of more than 2 GB.
        We have improved performance and memory usage in your file and provided you with the hotfix in this ticket: CodeRush freezes Visual Studio when a file with many types is being edited. I have answered you there in detail.

        As for the issues with VS crashes, we have researched the log files you provided and found that some our visual features can be the cause of the crash.
        We have not ported advanced log messages from CodeRush Classic yet, so we cannot detect the culprit using the current log files. I tried to reproduce this issue on my side but without success.
        It would be great if you could provide us with the steps that lead to the VS crash. Perhaps, this issue can be reproducible only in one project or with specific languages and files?
        In addition, provide us with the ActivityLog.xml file obtained the next time VS will crash. It can be found here: %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\ActivityLog.xml.

          CodeRush must to recollect the required files (.logs, .xml, .config, etc.). All most time when I see an reply with the "I tried to reproduce this issue on my side but without success…" message, really is frustrating for us. CR must to be able to get the necessary info from callback traces or something for the style.

          Regards and thank you

          DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

            Thanks for your response. You are right and we plan to collect needed log files for more efficiently process problems. I hope the final release will contain this improvement.

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