For example "c, "generates this code:
C#public class MyClass {
Also for some reason Visual Studio Intellisense takes priority over template expansion. So if I press space it expands to first Intellisense entry instead of template. And when I type "c," Intellisense will expand the moment I typed comma character giving me no chance to expand template.
I found that I had "Always expand IntelliSense" option turned on. Still when I type "c," intellisense expands it when I type comma.
Also template "c" expands to:
public class MyClass {
ublic MyClass() {
Not only it miss closed bracket but also has typo in "public" and misses indentation
I compared that with CodeRush Classic and found that it has a special option to suppress IntelliSense expansion on "." and ",". This option is missing in CRR.
Hi Roman,
Regarding the issue with the absent closed bracket, the typo in "public" and missed indentation, I have created a separate ticket Some problems when expand the 'c' template and answered you there.
As for the issue with the not ported CRR option for IntelliSense, we already have a similar request from another customer: No Class template … the first time.
So, I have marked this ticket as its duplicate and you will be automatically notified when we implement this option.