Ticket T306248
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How to change GridView's context menu font size

created 9 years ago

my project has lots of gridcontrols(and girdviews), to perform nice apperance of ui , i used big fontsize of gridview's row and header. but i find out that the context menu form right click headerpanel,it's font size property i can't find way to design of set. so i want some help,can i get it ?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago


To accomplish your task, you can use the WindowsFormsSettings.DefaultMenuFont  property.
Please try this approach and let us know whether or not it is helpful.
I hope to hear from you soon.

    Comments (2)
    L L
    liu wenfei - nodes 9 years ago

      why only fontsize changed, but popuped context menu panel not increase size

      DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago


        We have successfully reproduced the behavior you described and passed a new A context menu is not re-sized when ellarging a font size by using the WindowsFormsSettings.DefaultMenuFont property ticket to our developers' team for further research. Please bear with us. We will notify you as soon as we make any progress.

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