Ticket T301866
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Custom MapDataProvider does not work correctly with a custom tile size

created 9 years ago


We are using MapControl   for displaying raster and vector non-cartographical images. Our data has specific features:
 - We don't have an infinite map. Our image has finite sizes and it can be not square
 - Tiles can be not square

We have created a sample illustrating our questions (attachement). The sample works with 3 kinds ot input data:
  Input Data 1.  Tiles of size 256x256
  Input Data 2.  Tiles 100x100
 Input Data 3.  Tiles 70x70
All data has 2 levels of zoom (1,2).
Our real image that we have is of orange color . We fill emty space with white color while generating tiles to adjust tile sizes.

Here is the list of issues we'd like to clarify:

Issue 1. For input data 1 on the second zoom level MapControl requires 4*4=16 tiles. But on this zoom-level our image has only 3 rows of tiles. Is there a way to set custom map sizes to restrict MapControl request fake tiles that are out of real image sizes and to restrict MapControl use previous zoom level scaled tiles.

Issue 2.  Real size of our image (it is colored with orange) is less than the area of MapControl tiles. Can we limit the navigation to let user see only orange area of the image?

Issue3.  If the tile size is less than 256x256 (for example 100x100 - input data 2) some artifacts - white lines - appear between the tiles. Is there a way to avoid these artifacts?

Issue 4. MapControl stretches non-square tiles to make it square (input data 3). How can we use non-square tiles in MapControl?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago

We use the Bing Maps Tile System in the MapControl. It is not possible to have only 3 rows of tiles at the second zoom level. Instead, it is necessary to show transparent images to hide these tiles. To limit navigation, use the solution from the Q559191: Restricting map panning to a specific region thread.
It will require additional time to determine the cause of the last two problems. I have registered a separate bug report regarding this. We will notify you once we have any results.
T302395: Custom MapDataProvider does not work correctly with a custom tile size

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