[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T297382: Custom skin on GroupControls works in DX 11.2, but not in DX15.1]
Hi Stas,
Unfortunately we are still having a problem. You are correct that removing the back color fixes the example we sent you, however in some of our group controls we have it setup such that the bottom portion of the group control is rounded rather than the top. You can reproduce this behavior by setting CaptionLocation = Bottom and BorderStyle = Default in the sample projects we sent you. With DX 11.2, the skin displays correctly with rounded corners on the bottom. In DX 15.1, it is just a white rectangle. See the attached images.
Custom skin on GroupControls doesn't paint GroupPanelCaptionBottom image in DX15.1
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
Hello John,
Currently, GroupControl, instead GroupPanelCaptiOnBottom, GroupPanelCaptiOnLeft, GroupPanelCaptiOnRight and GroupPanelCaptiOnTop skin images only use the GroupPanelCaptiOnTop image, and rotate it according to the GroupPanel.CaptionLocation property.
To resolve the issue, please modify your skin project.
I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have additional questions.
We just discovered that after the Skin has been saved as a blob project, the bottom caption works as expected in our test project. We are still having trouble with it in our product, but I haven't figured out yet what the issue is there.
Why would it behave differently as a blob project than it does as a regular project?
I fixed the skin problem in our product. It appears that the root cause of the problem here is two fold:
- GroupPanelCaptionOnBottom was changed such that GroupPanelCaptionOnTop should be used instead. This is a breaking change that we were unaware of until now.
- DevExpress 11.2 Regular Skin projects (perhaps legacy skins would be a better term) are not processed correctly by newer versions of the Skin Editor. They do not display correctly and cannot be saved as regular projects. The workaround is to save the project as a "Blob Project", then re-save as a regular project if necessary.
The question still remains, however, as to why you cannot open our skins and we cannot open yours.
In summary, our skin woes appear to be solved, so I will mark your answer as a solution. But, I think that the problems that we have had here are still chalked up to more of the usual DevExpress Skin weirdness and incompatibilities.
I'm happy to hear that the issue is resolved. Thank you for your detailed reply.
It is regrettable that you face difficulties using skins. I hope, the similarly issue doesn't occur the next time you decide to upgrade our components. But in any case, you can contact us and we will be happy to help you.