Ticket T299656
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

How to create a cross-reference to navigate from one table to another

How to create a link from the master report to a subreport at runtime

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T299469: XtraReport NavigateUrl not working when target is inside Subband]
Hi DevExpress Support,

Furthermore - is it possible to create a link from the master report to a control inside a subreport at runtime?


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

To achieve this, assign the detail label's name to the master label's NavigateURL property and set the master label's Target to "_self". Here is a code snippet:

detaillbl.Name = "detailLabel"; //<<< --- //... masterlbl.NavigateUrl = "detailLabel"; //<<< --- masterlbl.Target = "_self";

I have also attached a sample application for your reference. Let me know if I can be of further help.

See also:
Cross-References and Hyperlinks
How to create a report dynamically


    Show previous comments (3)
    DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

      Okay Michael,
      Since we are using the XRControl.PreviewClick event handler, this solution will work in the WinForms Document Preview only.

      >>> If there is no solution which uses the NavigationUrl feature, I will use a transparent label next to my subreport as bookmark target.
      Indeed, the simplest solution is to place an empty (or a small) label to the required position and set it as a navigation target through the NavigateUrl property.

      Alternatively, try the solution I mentioned above: create a link between the report bricks manually after your report document is generated. To do this, get the required bricks from your report document and use the VisualBrick.NavigationPair property to create a link (How to create custom Table Of Contents). I've modified and attached your project. Please keep me posted.

      MB MB
      Michael Brandt 9 years ago

        Works like a charm!

        DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

          My pleasure.

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