[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T296133: ASPxFileManager - It is impossible to select file on the server side when a custom FileSystemProvider is used]
I think the sample was a bit different back then when I implemented my provider, because I already don't have those IDs set in my code and I bet I did not remove them from the sample intentionally as I have no idea why they should or should not be assigned. Here's how the methods current look like in my code (in which the selection does not work):
public override IEnumerable<FileManagerFile> GetFiles(FileManagerFolder folder)
T dbFolderItem = FindDbFolderItem(folder);
return from fileObj in StorageManager<T, DBManager>.getObjectsFromFolder(dbFolderItem.ID, _dbm, true, null, false)
select new FileManagerFile(this, folder, fileObj.name);
public override IEnumerable<FileManagerFolder> GetFolders(FileManagerFolder parentFolder)
T dbFolderItem = FindDbFolderItem(parentFolder);
from dbItem in FoldersCache.Values
where dbItem.IsFolder && dbItem.ParentID == dbFolderItem.ID
select new FileManagerFolder(this, parentFolder, dbItem.name);
As you see, the provider class is a generic in my case, because I use it for different tables with the same column names. The class definition is:
public class VirtualFileSystemProvider<T> : FileSystemProviderBase where T : class, IVirtualFileSystemEntry, new()
the "name" property I use here is my own property which simply returns file / folder name without any extra logic. The StorageManager<T, DBManager>.getObjectsFromFolder method is my method for retrieving files / folders from a virtual folder. I can provide you with my entire class source if needed, but as I said it has a lot of dependencies on other classes and besides cannot run without a DB.
Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool
Sadly, it's not going to be easy and will take some time, but I'll try. Maybe I'll have to defer this to my next release, though. But anyway I promise I'll do that at some point.
Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool
Hello Nikolay,
Please feel free to leave a comment to this ticket once you are able to localize the issue. We will be happy to assist you.