Ticket T295749
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ASPxHtmlEditor - The imported document contains large space between paragraphs if a Word document contains unaccepted changes (the Track Changes feature)

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T293774: Text pasted from MS Word is incorrectly formatted in ASPxHtmlEditor]
I'm using the solution ASPxHtmlEditor.Import but not work, not keep formated css.
See attachment.

Comments (2)
Artem (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

    I've tested this sample and the Import method doesn't produce the previously reported problem (see the attached video).
    Would you please describe what you mean by "not keep formated css"?  If possible, make a screencast illustrating the problem in action (for example, using the Jing Tool for this purpose).


    FS FS
    Felipe Silva 3 9 years ago

      See in attachment has a new swf.

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 9 years ago

      Hello Felipe,

      Thanks for the clarification. I see these issues. Let me address them sequentially:

      1. ASPxReportViewer loses document styles since they are imported as external CSS classes. Use inline styles to avoid this behavior (see the attached video).
      HtmlEditor.Import( DevExpress.Web.ASPxHtmlEditor.HtmlEditorImportFormat.Docx, DocumentUrl, true ContentFolder );
      1. Initially, the ASPxHtmlEditor.Import method uses our RichEditDocumentServer component to convert Word content to Html. Currently, it doesn't support the Word Track Changes feature and displays a large space instead of text that was deleted in a document (see the attached screenshots).  You may check this using the following code:
      RichEditDocumentServer documentServer = new RichEditDocumentServer(); var file = File.Open(Server.MapPath(@"~\Contratos\test.html"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); documentServer.LoadDocument(Server.MapPath(DocumentUrl)); documentServer.Options.Export.Html.ExportRootTag = DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.Export.Html.ExportRootTag.Html; documentServer.Options.Export.Html.EmbedImages = true; documentServer.SaveDocument(file, DocumentFormat.Html);

      Our team is going to correct this behavior in the context of the Text changed using the Track Changes feature is lost while loading an OpenXML document into RichEditControl thread. However, they won't fix this for v12.1 since this version is outdated. So, you'll need to upgrade the current version to get a fix.


        Show previous comments (1)
        Artem (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

          Our ASPxHtmlEditor uses the RichEditDocumentServer component to import a Word document to HTML. Both of these issues aren't supported at this component level. A large white space occurs since the RichEditDocumentServer component doesn't preserve text removed using the Track Changes feature and a background color isn't appeared since it's added using Shading while RichEditDocumentServer supports only regular  background colors. We plan to support this feature but there is no ETA for it.  Currently there is no solution and/or a workaround for these problems.
          Please accept my apologies for not being helpful this time.

          FS FS
          Felipe Silva 3 9 years ago

            Ok Artem, solved.
            But, why I have problem with Margin in top and bottom ?

            Artem (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

              Thanks for the update. Since this issue isn't related to ASPxHtmlEditor, I've created a new ticket and forwarded it to our XtraReports team:
              ASPxReportViewer - Text is cut off at the bottom on certain pages
              We'll research it and reply you there.


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