Ticket T295647
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Charts integration - Line element is invisible

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T291311: Top x percent not applied correctly on PivotGrid in Server Mode]
I have tested the top functionality and it looks ok… I need further time to give a definite answer…
However…  I have encountered a different problem…  When I plot a line chart from my pivot grid using the usual chart integration methods the lines on the chart are invisible. If I move my mouse over the chart I get the crosshair line and the spots showing where the lines should be.
Please could you see if that's a bug or is there a setting I now need to set!!!
Many Thanks

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago

Hi Pete,

It appears that a separate Line element is generated for every point in the data source (Pivot Grid) collection. Try adjusting the PivotGridControl.ChartProvideDataByColumns property to change the way how Series data is generated. If this does not help, let us know.

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