Ticket T295636
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Questions on ReloadPermissionStrategy.NoCache

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T241873: Security - Provide a way to adjust UI according to the permission changes done through the application UI or directly in the database]
Update my project to this version, I have the ReloadPermission in NoCache but noted that no permit updates are realizing that there is a change in the data in its entirety. For instance.
 - I have a profile that only allows you to create roles.
 - For database change the profile to another, which does not allow editing but if change.
- Without closing the assignment, I see that this Enabling Edit button and the button again inactivacvion not performed.
I do something else? esoty or wrong in conceiving the value of NoCache. Since the previous version OnEachTransaction concept served me very well.

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Claudia Lorena Monroy O 9 years ago

    I need  reset the security permissions cache without logging in again after an administrator has changed user rights.
    I updated my project to v2015 vol 1.7 and I write in my program.cs.
      IsGrantedAdapter.Enable(new XpoClientServerCachedRequestSecurityAdapterProvider(), ReloadPermissionStrategy.NoCache);
    I use XpoClientServerCachedRequestSecurityAdapterProvider, because my project is winforms application implemented  Midle Tier.
    When the administrator modifies the permission and the user is logging, these are not updated in the application. I restart my APPLICATION to be charged the new permissions.
    I do something else?

    Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 9 years ago

      Hello Claudia,

      Would you please attach your test application for review, because according to your description it should all operate as expected? I will also update this thread if I find anything new. Please bear with me.

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 9 years ago

        We are still looking forward to receiving your problematic project since we cannot replicate the same behavior locally.
        >>Then the administrator modifies the permission and the user is logging, these are not updated in the application.
        Please also provide a detailed description of the permission changes you made. Take special note that the new functionality does not cover Navigate permissions, but only data access ones.

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