Ticket T295498
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ASPxHtmlEditor - Selection not displayed entirely in Firefox

created 9 years ago


I've noticed the following issue:

  1. Run the attached project.
  2. In Firefox 41.0.1, press Ctrl + A. You'll see that only a part of content is rendered as selected, so it is not clear that the divs and the inputs are selected as well. If you do the same steps in Chrome 45, you'll get less confusing selection. I guess it's browser-specific and you don't have much control over it, but maybe I'm wrong…

Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

Hello Nickolay,

ASPxHtmlEditor does not have its own selection functionality and uses the default iFrame selection mechanism. The issue is specific to the Firefox browser and may be reproduced without our products. I have modified your sample to demonstrate this. Please refer to the attachment, including a corresponding screencast.

I am afraid that since the problem lies with the browser itself, we cannot fix it.

    Comments (1)
    CT CT
    ClickHelp Team 9 years ago

      OK, that's what I supposed. Just thought maybe you will have some improvement ideas based on the fact that ASPxHtmlEditor uses custom selection styles for readonly inputs and displays a highlighting overlay for Tag Inspector. Anyway, thanks for checking, I'll close the case.
      Nickolay, Software Architect
      ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool

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