[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T293949: Constructor creation (positionning and init properties)]
I have a class with some properties. When you use "cc" to create the constructor:
- the "cc" not propose the properties to add as argument in the constructor and there are no set of the properties in the constructor.
Check the video,
We fully agree that this functionality will be useful. We will discuss the possibility of implementing this feature in future releases.
That's exist in CRC.
Currently CodeRush for Roslyn contains the base functionality for Smart Constructor. And we will bring it to CodeRush Classic in future releases.
I'd like to point out here that only *auto-implemented* properties should be considered for this - for properties with a backing field, instead the field should be proposed by the template (as is currently the case).
@Daniel DX had the brilliant idea the create a Roslyn version to push users to VS2015 (even if I have it for some reasons I still use for a long time VS2013), this new product has less features (even the basics is not there) it's a real back in time (several years), no more features on CRC (maintenance mode now). You will have to wait at least one year to get the same features than CRC. And it's just for memory consumption … I won't pay for this.
@Christian I don't understand why you're ranting - you don't have to use CRR, you can still happily use CRC with VS2015 if you prioritize full feature set over performance. Considering CRR is free until it gets closer to feature parity with CRC, I don't see why anyone should complain - it's simply offered as a free preview.
My complain is … no more new features on CRC (because maintenance mode), all dev team are on CRR (except for bug fixing … it's the minimum). Yes I can use with VS2015 but without latest C# version support. That's mean you will must switch to VS2015 and CRR (with plenty plenty of features missing) to have C# 6 support.
I see. That's a valid point. I didn't know CRC was in maintenance-only mode.
CRC is not yet in maintenance-only mode, and it may get new features as we move forward (for example, CRC 15.2 gets two big features in this release, Code Coverage and Paste as Xaml/SVG), but it is highly unlikely that CRC will ever get support for new *language* features such as those in C# 6.0. In addition to the option Christian mentions about switching to CRR to get C# 6.0 support, there is also a possibility of installing both CRC and CRR on the same machine and using both in the same instance of Visual Studio - which may be worth the hassle of configuration - turning off unwanted features in CRC or CRR, depending on what you need. We expect to achieve feature parity in CRR (with the current feature set in CRC) in the 16.1 timeframe.
Thanks for the clarification Mark. Personally, since I went CRR I've never looked back - keep it up!