Ticket T293381
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MVC Report End User Report Designer Chart Parameter

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

Using the ASP MVC End-User report Designer. I have added a parameter to the report and used in the filter-string of the reports data source. I have a table and a chart in the report. However the chart data is not effected by the parameter and the table is. What are my options to get this to work?

Thanks you for your help.

Comments (2)
Vasily (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

    Hi Ivan,

    Would you please clarify how you applied a filter to the report's data source? If possible, send us a video that illustrates the steps to reproduce this behavior. Alternatively, send us your report's definition (you can get it in the Save action of the report designer). We are looking forward to hearing from you.

      I have attached a video of what I am doing. I'm just trying to get a charts data to use the reports filtered data based on a parameter.
      Thanks for your time.

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 9 years ago

      Hi Ivan,

      Thank you for the clarification. This behavior is caused by the fact that the XtraReport.FilterString property filters only data displayed in the report. To filter data that is displayed in the XRChart, use the Series.DataFilters property. Please refer to the Synchronizing XRChart and report filters ticket where a similar issue was already discussed for more information.

        Comments (2)

          Where do I find the setting "Series.DataFilters" the report editor (ASP MVC report editor)?

          Vasily (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

            Hi Ivan,

            I have researched this scenario and found that currently there is no way to assign the Series.DataFilters property in a Web Report Designer. So, I created a separate thread for this issue and forwarded it to our developers:
            T294412: Web Report Designer - It is not possible to assign a filter to XRChart series

            I have also posted a workaround that allows you to assign a data filter to the Series.DataFilters property in a Web Report Designer to that ticket. Please refer to it for more information.

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