Ticket T293108
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ASPxHtmlEditor - Current block becoms removed, content pasted not as Plain Text and the page scrolled to the bottom after pasting content from Word 2010

created 9 years ago


Another issue I've found with Chrome 45 and your http://demos.devexpress.com/ASPxHTMLEditorDemos/Features/PasteFormatting.aspx demo. The steps are a bit tricky this time, though. First, you need to select the Merged Formatting paste mode. In this mode, paste content similar to what you see in the attached video from Word. Then, switch to the PlainText paste mode. Try pasting the same content again with Ctrl+V. This time, the editor will go wild: it will remove blocks of content, it will scroll the page to the bottom when pasting or pressing the Up arrow on keyboard when having the caret at the top line.

My steps might not be precise, as I am not entirely sure how to push the editor to this "corrupted" state, but I've already did this twice, so probably your QA guys (if you have any, as I'm starting to doubt that after finding 4 bugs with the public demo during 3 minutes of its usage) will be able to do that as well. I've checked Chrome console and I see a couple of errors there - probably they are the cause of this weird behavior. I'm attaching the Chrome console screenshots to this case along with the video.

Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool

Show previous comments (2)
Artem (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

    Hi Nickolay,

    I see the issue with unnecessary XE fields and passed this issue to our R&D team:
    ASPxHtmlEditor - Pasted content contains hidden formatting fields in Chrome
    We'll update that thread once we have any results.
    But the original issue is still not reproducible on my side. I've tested v15.1.7 but wasn't able to reproduce this behavior either. I don't get any script errors and the page scroll bar  isn't moved on my side (see the attached video). Would you please clarify exactly what Chrome version you're using? Is it some specific beta version?   In addition, please clarify whether or not the demo page is zoomed.

    CT CT
    ClickHelp Team 9 years ago

      I noticed two minor differences in your steps and my steps (you're using a newer version of Word and also I'm doing the double Enter keypress to create a paragraph before insertion, like in the https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/T293100), but anyway I can no longer reproduce the issue with your public demo. Whatever it was, it seems to be fixed with the 15.1.7 update. Hopefully, we'll never see it again.
      Nickolay, Software Architect
      ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool

      Artem (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

        I've tried to reproduce this issue on multiple computers (including the one with Word 2010) but everywhere the demo works fine.
        It's great to hear that the issue has disappeared after the update to v15.1.7. Let us know if it occurs again.

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