I want to update dashboard chart values at run time. How is this possible using JScript
JavaScriptcustomizePoint: function () {
// return this.value * 10; //Something like this
I want to update dashboard chart values at run time. How is this possible using JScript
JavaScriptcustomizePoint: function () {
// return this.value * 10; //Something like this
The simplest way to achieve this goal is to use a calculated field in the chart's data item. In this calculated field, you can multiple data source values by a dashboard parameter.
Attached is a small sample project that illustrates this approach. In this project, I have used the following expression in the calculated field: "[ProductAmount] * [Rate]", where "[Rate]" is a parameter name. You can specify a parameter value via the code or via the Requesting Parameter Values Dialog.
I have found an issue with this approach in server mode and created a separate ticket regarding this: Server Mode does not allows to use parameters in Calculated Fields
Hi Neha,
This event fires each time ASPxDashboardViewer loads data from the data store. If you wish to specify a parameter only once when the dashboard is loaded for the first time, handle the ASPxDashboardViewer.DashboardLoaded event in the same manner as the CustomParameters event:
protected void ASPxDashboardViewer1_DashboardLoaded(object sender, DevExpress.DashboardWeb.DashboardLoadedWebEventArgs e)
e.Dashboard.Parameters.Where(param => param.Name == "Rate").First().Value = 3;
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Hi Neha,
Would you please describe a specific use-case scenario. With that, we’ll be in a better position to describe the options available to you.
I am creating a chart in dashboard. This chart is binded with a datasource statically.
I am viewing dashboard using ASPxDashboardViewer. At run time i am getting a multiplying factor say(0.1). I want to multiply all chart values with this multiply factor. How to achieve this?