I am using the suggestion described in https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/Q324491
to implement a Cell Edit functionality within the Pivot Grid.
However, I have this requirement where the user would select multiple cells and then press "enter" (for example) to enter into the "edit mode". Once the user enters a value, I would then need to capture the EditedValue and apply it to all the selected cells.
Currently, I am stuck with entering into "Edit Mode". Of course this is a simple task when an individual cell has focus and we can trap the "KeyDown" event on the TextEdit control. However, not so easy when multiple cells are selected. I can see that KeyDown event is fired on the G rid Control.
I can do something along the lines of:
C#if (e.Key != Key.Enter)
var grid = sender as PivotGridControl;
if (grid != null && grid.Selection.IsEmpty)
var firstCell = grid.GetCellInfo(grid.Selection.Left, grid.Selection.Top);
After this point, how do I enter into Edit Mode of the selected cell please?