Ticket T292053
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PivotGrid Cell Edit implementation

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)


I am using the suggestion described in https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/Q324491
to implement a Cell Edit functionality within the Pivot Grid.

However, I have this requirement where the user would select multiple cells and then press "enter" (for example) to enter into the "edit mode". Once the user enters a value, I would then need to capture the EditedValue and apply it to all the selected cells.

Currently, I am stuck with entering into "Edit Mode". Of course this is a simple task when an individual cell has focus and we can trap the "KeyDown" event on the TextEdit control. However, not so easy when multiple cells are selected. I can see that KeyDown event is fired on the G rid Control.

I can do something along the lines of:

if (e.Key != Key.Enter) {     return; } var grid = sender as PivotGridControl; if (grid != null && grid.Selection.IsEmpty) {     return; } var firstCell = grid.GetCellInfo(grid.Selection.Left, grid.Selection.Top);

After this point, how do I enter into Edit Mode of the selected cell please?


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

Hello Suneth,
To implement multi-editing, you need to save selected cells and edit them in cycle. Please check the attached sample. I hope you will find it useful

We recommend downloading the actual sample project demonstrating how to implement the data editing functionality from the T410760: How to define a custom cell template that allows performing data editing example.

    Show previous comments (13)
    DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

      Hello Suneth,
      Let me explain how my previous sample works and how the editor will be switched to the InplaceActive mode. Please look at the EditValue method:

      void EditValue(object sender) { TextEdit edit = sender as TextEdit; if (edit == null || edit.DataContext as CellsAreaItem == null) return; CellsAreaItem item = edit.DataContext as CellsAreaItem; decimal newValue; decimal oldValue; if (edit.EditValue != null && decimal.TryParse(edit.EditValue.ToString(), out newValue)) { if (item.Value == null || !decimal.TryParse(item.Value.ToString(), out oldValue) || selectedCells == null) return; foreach (System.Drawing.Point selectedCell in selectedCells) { PivotDrillDownDataSource ds = pivotGridControl1.CreateDrillDownDataSource(selectedCell.X, selectedCell.Y); decimal difference = newValue - oldValue; decimal factor = (difference == newValue) ? (difference / ds.RowCount) : (difference / oldValue); for (int i = 0; i < ds.RowCount; i++) { decimal value = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i][fieldExtendedPrice]); ds[i][fieldExtendedPrice] = (value == 0m) ? factor : value * (1m + factor); } } pivotGridControl1.RefreshData(); edit.EditMode = EditMode.InplaceInactive; } else { } }

      As you can see, the edit variable is passes directly to the method from the TextEdit_KeyDown method. Let's see the pivotGridControl1_KeyDown method:

       if (e.Key == System.Windows.Input.Key.Enter) {     //OpenEditorCode     PivotGridControl pivotGridControl = sender as PivotGridControl;     LayoutHelper.ForEachElement(pivotGridControl, new LayoutHelper.ElementHandler(i => {         if (i is TextEdit)         {             TextEdit edit = (TextEdit)i;             if (edit == null || edit.DataContext as CellsAreaItem == null) return;             CellsAreaItem item = edit.DataContext as CellsAreaItem;             if (item.RowIndex != pivotGridControl.FocusedCell.Y || item.ColumnIndex != pivotGridControl.FocusedCell.X)                 return;             if (item.IsTotalAppearance)                 return;             selectedCells = pivotGridControl1.MultiSelection.SelectedCells;             edit.EditMode = EditMode.InplaceActive;             FocusManager.SetFocusedElement(pivotGridControl, edit);         }     })); }

      I used the LayoutHelper class. This class can help to iterate though internal ui elements. As you can see, I check their classes by using this condition:

      if (i is TextEdit)

      Then I check whether a cell is focused:

      if (item.RowIndex != pivotGridControl.FocusedCell.Y || item.ColumnIndex != pivotGridControl.FocusedCell.X)    return;

      If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.

        Hi devexpress team,

        In the above example, the field to be edited is hardcoded 'fieldExtendedPrice',
        Please help me with a case where I have the pivot grid, and data loading is dynamic.
        Also I could edit any cell and save it to the corresponding datasource.

        DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago


          I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T673413: PivotGrid Cell Edit implementation). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.

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