Im using TileNavPane as main menu for my application. When category caption is large and its width is exceeding available space, category name is cut even if it wider by several pixels (whole button disappears).
Is there a way to change this behavior and cut not whole caption but the count of letters that exceed available space with ellipsis ("…") at the end?
Thank you!
Thank you for the detailed description. I have reproduced this behavior. Currently, our TileNavPane does not show a NavButton corresponding to the TileNavCategory when there is no available space. Please give me additional time to investigate a possibility of implementing this feature. Thanks so much for your patience.
Our TileNavePane is designed based on navigation controls from Microsoft Dynamics CRM. We have researched if it is possible to implement the required feature at the TileNavPane descendant level but haven't found a suitable way. So, I have passed this thread to our developers and they agree that this functionality will be useful. They are planning to implement it out of the box in the near future. You will be notified of our results.
If this is matter of urgency for you, please let us know. We will check for other possible ways to help you achieve your goal.
I am looking forward to your reply.
I will be happy if this possibility will be available out of the box. There is no hurry so I can wait.
Also, currently buttons positioned at the right will always stays on top, hiding buttons positioned on the left. There should be something done here, like scrolling maybe. TileNavPane makes excellent main menu in some cases if not for this shortcomings.
Thank you for sharing your idea with us. We greatly appreciate this. Once this feature is implemented, you will be notified of our results. Please stay tuned.