Ticket T284048
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Application.CreateCollectionSource and Application.CreateListView throws "type is non-persistent" when invoked on NonPersistentObjectSpace

created 10 years ago


When I try to create collection source or list view for non-persistent object using following code:

IObjectSpace os = new NonPersistentObjectSpace(XafTypesInfo.Instance); CollectionSourceBase cs = Application.CreateCollectionSource(os, typeof(IzvodGlavnaKnjigaSintetika), Application.FindListViewId(typeof(IzvodGlavnaKnjigaSintetika))); BindingList<IzvodGlavnaKnjigaSintetika> list = (BindingList<IzvodGlavnaKnjigaSintetika>)((ProxyCollection)cs.Collection).OriginalCollection; list.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; foreach (var item in (IEnumerable<IzvodGlavnaKnjigaSintetika>)q) list.Add(item); list.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; view = Application.CreateListView("IzvodGlavnaKnjigaSintetika_ListView", cs, false);


IObjectSpace os = new NonPersistentObjectSpace(XafTypesInfo.Instance); View view = Application.CreateListView(os, typeof(IzvodGlavnaKnjigaSintetika), false);

I get exception:

The 'Link.Module.BO.Financije.IzvodGlavnaKnjigaSintetika' type is not persistent.

I think this functions should work correctly when invoked on NonPersistentObjectSpace.


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

Hello Mario,

The issue occurs because the IzvodGlavnaKnjigaSintetika ListView's DataAccessMode is set to DataView or Server. These modes are not supported for non-persistent types. Please set its DataAccessMode to Client to resolve the issue.

    Show previous comments (6)
    Anatol (DevExpress) 10 years ago

      Thank you. According to the Call Stack, I suppose that your non-persistent class has a reference to a persistent class. Since NonPersistentObjectSpace cannot work with persistent classes, the exception occurs. I have described this issue in the NonPersistentObjectSpace - Support showing persistent objects in non-persistent objects' views ticket and described a workaround for it. Please let me know if this is your case and if the workaround is helpful.

        Yes, that worked for me.

        Anatol (DevExpress) 10 years ago

          You are welcome!

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