I'm using your guides of the link (https://documentation.devexpress.com/#WindowsForms/CustomDocument2533) to use the Skin "Office 2013" style in our main app.
The code I used in the Main.cs file is:
C#// Use the Devexpress Skin Office 2013 for the whole application
DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel defaultUserLookAndFeel = DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel.Default;
defaultUserLookAndFeel.SetSkinStyle("Office 2013");
The application style changes but I had seen that the Font style is not exactly what I expected for buttons, ribbonpages, and probably more ribbon items. I expected the font name "Segoe UI" and it seems to be "Tahoma".
As I don't know the actual Office 2013 font that has to be used, I preferred instead of request you the possibility of modifying the template of the "Office 2013" skin, to create a Custom Skin using your Skin Editor utility. I created a Skin using "Office 2013" skin as template to start with it, but I cannot find the place in which I can change the Font Name in the appearance for the ribbon items.
I generated the assembly for the Skin, included the library as reference on my project, and replaced the code above by the following code, and it is exactly the same result as the "Office 2013", good approach, but I need the font style change in the Skin Editor for example for the DevExpress.XtraBars.BarButtonItem and DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon.RibbonPage items I have in the Ribbon.
C#DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel defaultUserLookAndFeel = DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel.Default;
Thanks in advance!!!