Ticket T275481
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Report Question for Options

created 9 years ago

We have a printer defined on our network that is setup to Duplex and Staple reports.  This works great when we process reports to this printer it is one (1) job or one (1) report at a time.  But every year we run a series of reports for salesman 500+ pages, that is one SQL Select for the report, but it is all the customers.  What we would like to do is to staple each and every report.  But other than running them one at a time, we cant think of a way.  Do you have any suggestions.


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago

Hi Joe,
As far as I understand, you wish to print your reports in so-called 'batch' mode. If so, I have to note that it's not something intrinsically supported by our reporting library. Just as you mentioned, the most straightforward solution here would be to print those reports one-by-one, but without showing the PrintDialog for each of them (see the How to print multiple reports as a single batch example)
Alternatively, you can create a one large report instance grouped by the customer ID field.  So, it's one SQL query for the entire report, that would be further split into different groups ('sub reports') for each customer.  There is no problem to insert a page break before each group (GroupHeaderBand.PageBreak=BeforeBand), but you should be careful if your reports span a different number of pages. I mean, in Duplex mode, it may appear that the one side of the page prints the end of the first report, and second  - the begging of the second one. To avoid this situation, it'd be necessary to 'remember' where each report starts during the report generation, then go through the produced XtraReport.Document.Pages collection and insert blank pages at the required positions.
If you've got interested in this approach, check the following links illustrating the overall idea of the aforementioned technique:
How to: Merge the Pages of Two Reports
Display a control's page number in the report header

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