I've noti ced strange inconsistency in ASPxHtmlEditor behavior when using external ribbon:
- Run the attached project.
- Click the MyName button on the ribbon. You'll see a single alert saying the ribbon event fired.
- Click the HTML tab and click the MyName button again - you'll see the same behavior.
- Click the Preview tab - same behavior.
- Now, switch back to Design and click the editable area.
- Click the MyName button again - this time and from now on you will get two events: one from the ribbon and another one from ASPxHtmlEditor (CustomCommand).
In order for the behavior to be consistent, you should always get two events as if it's the editor's native ribbon. You shouldn't have to click the Design area first in order for ASPxHtmlEditor to add a handler for ASPxRibbon events. Please fix this.
Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool
Thank you for the information. I've passed this issue to our developers.
We will update this ticket as soon as we get any results.