I'm investigating whether it's possible to display multiple toasts at the same time in a 'stacked way'.
A good example of the behaviour I'm looking for can be found in the following demo: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/notification/position-stacking
(click the 'show notification' button multiple times)
This question has already bean asked before but it wasn't properly answered (in my opinion): https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/Q504061
I experimented a bit with the position element of the dxToast widget but I'm not able to (consistently) display 2 toasts at once: check this example: http://codepen.io/pfranck/pen/NqYmqg
I suspect that DevExtreme doesn't support showing multiple toasts in a stacked way but I wanted to make sure …
If this is the case, are there any plans to support this functionality in the future?