Hi guys,
I have a grid view which binds a large amount of data, which is similar with the grid from this demo http://demos.devexpress.com/MVCxGridViewDemos/DataBinding/DataBindingToLargeDatabase. My problem is that the Select all rows solution is not working for this kind of gridview (http://demos.devexpress.com/MVCxGridViewDemos/Selection/AdvancedSelection). When I click on the checkbox from the header of the grid I end in a very very very long callback.
Even if I use the old solution to select all rows I end with the same very long callback:
settings.CommandColumn.Visible = true;
settings.CommandColumn.ShowSelectCheckbox = true;
settings.CommandColumn.SetHeaderTemplateContent(c =>
Html.DevExpress().CheckBox(settingsCB =>
settingsCB.Name = "cbSelectAll"; settingsCB.Properties.ClientSideEvents.CheckedChanged = string.Format("function(s, e) {{ if(s.GetChecked()) {0}.SelectRows(); else {0}.UnselectRows(); }}", settings.Name); settingsCB.Checked = c.Grid.VisibleRowCount == c.Grid.Selection.Count && c.Grid.VisibleRowCount != 0; }).GetHtml();
The old version of DevExpress was doing this selection in a short period of time. Actually the time spent for the selection was the same time as a regular callback.
I saw the following solution but I don't understand it:
Best regards,
Florin Gugui.