Ticket T262648
Visible to All Users

Toolbox items are not available

created 10 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM Q288030: Can DevExpress products co-exist and be used on a single machine or project?]
I have just installed a new major version of DevExpress in the same machine, currently I have the 14.1 and 15.1 versions. All the projects work fine but when I open Visual Studio I only have access to the 14.1 version of the toolbox. Can I have a different toolbox depending on the version of the project?

Comments (3)
Stan (DevExpress Support) 10 years ago

    Hi Jose,

    I am concerned to hear that you are experiencing a problem with toolbox items. Generally, all versions should be available on the toolbox at once, since Visual Studio doesn't provide a way to filter toolbox items. To solve this issue, we need additional information. Please follow instructions described in the How to resolve issues with Toolbox items KB article and if they do not help, provide us with all log files (including registry dumps) that should be generated by the DXToolboxAnalyzer tool.

    I am looking forward to your response.


      Hello Stan,
      Repairing the toolbox fixed the problem, thank you so much!

      Stan (DevExpress Support) 10 years ago

        Hi Jose,

        I am happy to hear that the problem is resolved now.  Thank you for informing us of that.


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