Ticket T258717
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Language Problem in TcxScheduler

created 10 years ago


I had the follow Problem with the language in TcxScheduler.

If I drop the Component on an VCL Formular in the IDE, the Date Navigator Pane shows me
the month in German language. If I run my Project, the Date Navigator Pane shows me the
month in Chinese language ? (screenshots)

How can I change this, that both shown in German language ?
and how can I change the Text "Previsous Appointment" and "Next Appointment" in Navigator Bars ?

The tcxLocalizer Component with a German Ini File has no effect.


Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

    Hello Matthias,

    Would you please provide us with a simple test project with an EXE file to demonstrate the issue?

    As for the "Previous appointment" and "Next appointment" texts, you can change them via our TcxLocalizer control and VCL Localizer Editor tool. You need to work with scxPrevAppointment and scxNextAppointment resource strings.

      Hello Mikhail,
      I found out, if I make a new Project, the sheduler works with German language.
      The other Project with the language Problem, was a Project-Upgrade from Delphi2006 to XE7,
      (DevExpress Version 5.34 to 14.2.7)
      If I want compile, I became some Problems in some units
      {$IFDEF DELPHI7}
      function TdxSkinPartStream.GetSize: Int64;
       Result := FPosEnd - FPosStart;
       ValTtoVarT: array[TValueType] of Integer = (varNull, varError,
         varShortInt, varSmallInt, varInteger, varDouble, varString, varError, varBoolean,
         varBoolean, varError, varError, varString, varEmpty, varError, varSingle,
         varCurrency, varDate, varOleStr, varInt64, varError {$IFDEF DELPHI8}, varDouble{$ENDIF})
      procedure TcxCustomEditListBox.SetItemData(Index: Integer;
       AData: {$IFDEF DELPHI16}TListBoxItemData{$ELSE}Longint{$ENDIF});
       {$IFNDEF DELPHI7}
         function DoCustomDrawCaption(ACanvas: TcxCanvas;
           const ABounds: TRect; APainter: TcxCustomLookAndFeelPainter): Boolean; virtual;
         function DoCustomDrawContentBackground(ACanvas: TcxCanvas;
           const ABounds: TRect; APainter: TcxCustomLookAndFeelPainter): Boolean; virtual;
         procedure DoMeasureCaptionHeight(APainter: TcxCustomLookAndFeelPainter; var ACaptionHeight: Integer);
       function MapColumnToSCID(AShellFolder2: cxIShellFolder2; AColumnID: UINT;
         var pscid: TShColumnID): Boolean;
         AHResult: HRESULT;
       {$IFDEF DELPHI14}
         AHResult := AShellFolder2.MapColumnToSCID(AColumnID, pscid);
         AHResult := AShellFolder2.MapNameToSCID(PWideChar(AColumnID), pscid);
         Result := AHResult = S_OK;
       Windows, Controls, ImgList,Dateutils,
      {$IFDEF DELPHI6}
       dxCore, cxGraphics, cxDateUtils, cxSchedulerUtils,
       cxSchedulerStorage, cxSchedulerCustomControls, cxSchedulerCustomResourceView,
       cxSchedulerDayView, cxSchedulerWeekView, cxSchedulerDateNavigator, Classes,
       cxSchedulerGanttView, cxSchedulerTimeGridView, cxSchedulerYearView;
      with the compiler definitions (delphi6, delphi8, delphi12, delphi14,delphi14). If I change them
      to IFNDEF, my Delphi2006 Project runs, but with the Chinese language Problem.
      I dont know, why I must change the compiler switches, if I load and want compile
      the D2006 Project in XE7

        Hello again,
        I made a complete Deinstall from the DevExpress Components and Install them new and now, the Problem was
        done and the language was right in German.
        Thx for ur help.

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