Ticket T254050
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click on row, popup detail

created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)


I know how to create a popup window with an action button. But what I want to do is create a popup detail window when I click on a record in a listview.

How do I do this?

[ CollectionOperationSet(AllowAdd = false, AllowRemove = false)] [ XafDisplayName("Comments")] publicXPCollection<ObjectComments> ObjectComments { get { // return GetCollection<ObjectComments>("ObjectComments"); if (_objectComments == null) { _objectComments = newXPCollection<ObjectComments>(Session); _objectComments.BindingBehavior = CollectionBindingBehavior.AllowNone; } _objectComments.Criteria = CriteriaOperator.Parse("SourceObjectGuid = ?", driverGuid); return _objectComments; } }


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago

Hi Brent,

To accomplish this task, implement a ViewController, access the ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController object, and handle its CustomProcessSelectedItem event.
For example:

public partial class ViewController1 : ViewController<ListView>{ public ViewController1() { InitializeComponent(); TargetObjectType = typeof(Contact); } protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController lvpcoc = this.Frame.GetController<ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController>(); if(lvpcoc != null) lvpcoc.CustomProcessSelectedItem += new EventHandler<CustomProcessListViewSelectedItemEventArgs>(lvpcoc_CustomProcessSelectedItem); } void lvpcoc_CustomProcessSelectedItem(object sender, CustomProcessListViewSelectedItemEventArgs e) { e.InnerArgs.ShowViewParameters.TargetWindow = TargetWindow.NewModalWindow; } protected override void OnDeactivated() { ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController lvpcoc = this.Frame.GetController<ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController>(); if (lvpcoc != null) lvpcoc.CustomProcessSelectedItem -= new EventHandler<CustomProcessListViewSelectedItemEventArgs>(lvpcoc_CustomProcessSelectedItem); base.OnDeactivated(); } }

Please review the How to: Replace a List View's Default Action article in help to learn more.
If you need to show this DetailView in EditMode, you can add another ViewController as it is described in the How to: Display a Detail View Directly in Edit Mode in ASP.NET Applications help article.

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