Ticket T251266
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ASPxGridView - Customize Context Menu based on Row KeyValue

created 10 years ago


I'm trying to customize my contextmenu in a gridview.

What I'm trying to do is to add elements to my context menu that depends of my row key value. Once I've got the row key value, I must call my database and then populate the contextmenu with the results.

I don't see any server events where I can do it (the FillContextMenuItems is not good for me because it is called once for every row, I must find an event fired for each.

Any sample or idea??


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)


If you simply need to show/hide menu items based on the row's KeyValue, use the ASPxClientGridView.ContextMenu client-side code (identical for the WebForms and MVC platforms) in the T212881: GridView ContextMenu Event fires too fast - How to hide particular Item based on Row Values report.
If this is not what you are looking for, please describe your scenario in greater detail. Some screenshots with the actual and expected result and a sample project with your current progress would be helpful.

Please see the ASPxGridView - How to change certain context menu items' visibility or their enabled state depending on both whether a corresponding row is selected and a part of its data example that demonstrates how to customize an ASPxGridView Context Menu based on a certain row value or state (selected/unselected). Let me know if it meets your requirements.

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    DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

      Hello Ankri,

      Please see the ASPxGridView - How to change certain context menu items' visibility or their enabled state depending on both whether a corresponding row is selected and a part of its data example that demonstrates how to customize an ASPxGridView Context Menu based on a certain row value or state (selected/unselected). Let me know if it meets your requirements.

        Sorry not to have had time to go sooner to see the answer. What I want is to create an item that corresponds with the row, if the user has 50 jobs displays with 5 questions for each, I won't create a menu with 250 items and later set them to visible or not.
        I'll try to find a solution with the contextmenu and the clientside.

        DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

          Sure, but please let me know if you need my further assistance.

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