Ticket T233255
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XAF, AnalysisEditorWin - How to enable Server Mode DataSource?

created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

I am evaluating XAF and AnalysisEditorWin module specifically.

I saw that as of 14.2 PivotGrid does support Server Mode (https://documentation.devexpress.com/#WindowsForms/CustomDocument17856)

How do I enable Server Mode for AnalysisEditorWin in XAF?

I have tried the below in AnalysisDataBindController descendant but data is not loaded

void analysisEditor_DataSourceCreating(object sender, DataSourceCreatingEventArgs e) { var objectSpace = (XPObjectSpace)ObjectSpace; var linqServerModeSource = new LinqServerModeSource(); linqServerModeSource.QueryableSource = objectSpace.Session.Query<ObjectToBeAnalyzed>(); var analysisDataSource = new AnalysisDataSource(e.AnalysisInfo, linqServerModeSource); e.DataSource = analysisDataSource; e.Handled = true; }


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago

Hello Beka.

You can leverage server mode in AnalysisEditorWin as follows:

public class AnalysisServerModeDataBindController : AnalysisDataBindController { protected override void OnAnalysisControlCreated() { base.OnAnalysisControlCreated(); this.analysisEditor.DataSourceCreating += new EventHandler<DataSourceCreatingEventArgs>(analysisEditor_DataSourceCreating); } void analysisEditor_DataSourceCreating(object sender, DataSourceCreatingEventArgs e) { var objectSpace = (XPObjectSpace)ObjectSpace; Type queryType = typeof(DevExpress.Xpo.XPQuery<>).MakeGenericType(e.AnalysisInfo.DataType); var query = (IQueryable)Activator.CreateInstance(queryType, new object[]{ objectSpace.Session}); var linqServerModeSource = new LinqServerModeSource(); linqServerModeSource.QueryableSource = query; e.DataSource = linqServerModeSource; e.Handled = true; } }

However, note that LinqServerModeSource was designed for LINQ-to-SQL and may not handle all XPO queries.

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