Ticket T213207
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

DockManager - The DockPanel.Appearance property settings are not in effect

How to increase caption text size of DockPanel

created 10 years ago

How do you increase the font size of the caption of a DockPanel?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago


If you wish to change the font size of the DockPanel caption, it is necessary to place BarAndDockingController onto a form and set the BarAndDockingController.AppearancesDocking.PanelCaption.Font property. BarAndDockingController manages appearance settings of controls from the XtraBars library.

Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.

    Comments (2)

      i've got a question on this.

      we have two dockpanels on the right side. one dockmanager and one dockingcontroller.

      is it possible to set the fond only for one dockpanel?

      if i add a second dockmanager and dockingcontroller we get two rows for the dockpanels.

      DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago


        At present, only appearance settings for all DockPanels can be changed by using BarAndDockingController. There is no way to change the appearance settings for an individual DockPanel. I will pass this behavior to our developers for investigation in the scope of a new DockManager - The DockPanel.Appearance property settings are not in effect thread. Once we have results, we will update that thread.

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