Ticket T202180
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How to to make child nodes non editable or not expandable

created 10 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T201929: How to add Checkedit in parent node for treelist in c# ?]
I have another question ?
If I check the checkbox of  parent node then it should not expand its childnodes or make it Editable false.
How to do this ?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago

Based on the How to add Checkedit in parent node for treelist in c# ? ticket, you are using an in-place CheckEdit and wish to implement either of these goals
1. If I check the checkbox of  parent node then it should not expand its childnodes
2.If I check the checkbox of  parent node then it should <…> make it Editable false.

To process these inquiries in the most efficient manner, I have extracted them to separate threads:
How to prevent child nodes from being expanded if their parent node is checked
How to make child nodes read-only if their parent node is checked
Please refer to them for further correspondence.

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