I want to add Check box in parent node and combo box in child node for c# windows form.
How to add Checkedit in parent node for treelist in c# ?
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
To achieve this goal, handle the TreeList.CustomNodeCellEdit event. You can set the required in-place editor to the required node using the e.Node.Level in the TreeList.CustomNodeCellEdit even handler. Please try this approach and inform us of your results.
I am looking forward to your reply.
I have another question ?
If I check the checkbox of parent node then it should not expand its childnodes or make it Editable false.
How to do this ?
Thank you for informing us that the issue has been resolved. Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.
As for your second question:
In order not to mix several questions within one thread, I will extract your question to a new ticket. Let us continue our discussion there How to to make child nodes non editable or not expandable.