Ticket T198114
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How to set a skin to the ribbon control from the Skin helper gallery by code

created 10 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T136134: How to customize Skin Gallery - Remove / rename skins and groups]
Hi, I need help, how can I set a skin to the ribbon control from the Skin helper galery by code??

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago


It is possible to apply a particular skin paint scheme to a whole application by using the  DefaultLookAndFeel component or the DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel.Default.SkinName property as described in the  What is the best way to set the same Look-and-Feel style of the entire application with DXperience for Windows Forms? KB article.

Another approach is to place BarAndDockingController onto a form and set the BarAndDockingController.LookAndFeel.SkinName property. BarAndDockingController manages ribbon appearance.

Let me know whether or not you are successful with this task.

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