Currently, you cannot easily create ModelDifference class descendants for Windows and the Web and have to implement the IModelDifference interface manually:
Saving model changes to the db separately for win vs web
Store Model Differences in DB - 14.2 - Possible to Separate Win/Web diffs?
I suggest adding the capability to pass a custom UserId when instantiating ModelDifferenceDbStore, e.g.:
C#e.Store = new ModelDifferenceDbStore((XafApplication)sender, typeof(MainDemo.Module.BusinessObjects.ModelDifferenceWeb), false, SecuritySystem.CurrentUserId + "Web");
This will add more flexibility for this task as well as allow developers to use custom identifiers for shared model differences instead of the empty string by default.
I also propose creating an index based on the UserId and GCRecord (E1484) properties with the DevExpress.Xpo.Indexed attribute (+ a solution for Entity Framework), because currently it is possible to have multiple records in the ModelDifference table with the same UserId value…
Hi Dennis,
You've tickled my curiosity! Should we expect this in a minor, or major release?
Merry Christmas.
Thanks for your interest, Denis. You will definitely receive a notification from us when this feature is available:-)
Happy holidays to you and yours!