Ticket T188072
Visible to All Users

SplitContainerControl - Provide the capability to save and restore the splitter position (should be used automatically by the WorkspaceManager component)

created 10 years ago


Im using WorkspaceManager to save layout of UserControl with SplitContainerControl inside of LayoutControl. I have a couple of SplitContainerControls actually. The problem is - there is no way to save splitter position and collapsed state when using Workspacemanager.

It would be great is SplitContainerControl would be supported in WorkspaceManager.

Thank you!

Comments (1)
Yaroslav (DevExpress Support) 10 years ago

    Your idea about including SplitContainerControl to the list of the supported WorkspaceManager controls sounds good, but currently, we don't have such immediate plans. In any case, I've forwarded this ticket for our R&D team so we will consider this feature implementation in future releases. You'll be automatically notified of any progress in this regard.
    Let us know if we can be of more help.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 10 years ago

    We have implemented the functionality described in this ticket. It will be included in our next update(s).

    Please check back and leave a comment to this response to let us know whether or not this solution addresses your concerns.

    Additional information:

    We have implemented the IXtraSerializable interface. Now you can save and restore the splitter position via the WorkspaceManager component.

      Comments (2)
      RV RV
      Robert Voulgaridis 10 years ago

        Can you illustrate by example how it works?

        Sasha (DevExpress Support) 10 years ago

          Hello Robert,
          Attached are a video and sample illustrating the correct approach. It is enough to capture a workspace and apply it. You will be able to test this approach as soon as the 15.1.5 update is available.

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