My customers says the sensibility of the zoomtrackbar is too high for them when they scrolling with mouse over the map.
My question: how can I reduce the zooming increase/decrease value?
Thank you,
My customers says the sensibility of the zoomtrackbar is too high for them when they scrolling with mouse over the map.
My question: how can I reduce the zooming increase/decrease value?
Thank you,
Hello Zoltán,
You can hide the built-in zoom track bar via the MapControl.ActualZoomTrackbarOptions.Visible property, add the TrackBarEdit control to the map and modify the zoom level via the MapControl.Zoom method in the required manner. Feel free to contact me if you have more questions. I am here to help you at any time.
Hi Frank,
Having discussed this issue with the team, we decided to improve the MapControl API to allow customizing the zoom level delta value:
Usability - There is no capability to specify a custom zoom level delta value.
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