Ticket T181024
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Dashboards - Provide a way to work with dashboards with a keyboard

created 10 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

It will be convenient to support base keyboard capabilities in dashboard, such as Undo, Redo, items selection, popup menu invoking.

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

    [Posted by T Bailey in  Combo Box Filter Item closes its popup but does not apply a filter when the Enter key is pressed]

    When using the Combo Box dashboard item, it would be convenient that the default focus was set on the OK button so that the user would be able to arrow through the list, using the space bar to select/deselect items and pressing OK to have their dashboard reflect the changes.

    Also, when you clicked Enter, after a Combo Box item is selected , it did not open drop down which is why I do not think that the current logic is consistent.

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