Ticket T169661
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How do I provide a tooltip for a column displayed in Column Chooser and Group By Box

created 10 years ago

The IModelToolTip and IModelToolTipOptions interfaces are very useful. What is the recommended approach to enable display of these tooltips for: 1) columns in the Column Chooser and 2) grouping columns in the Group by Box? Thanks.

Comments (1)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 10 years ago

    Hello Michael,

    In XAF, we just manage the GridColumn.ToolTipXXX properties through these interfaces and the rest is done by the underlying GridControl. I am forwarding your ticket to our XtraGrid team so that they could assist you with this task, which is not specific to XAF itself. Do not hesitate to contact the XAF team if you experience any XAF integration difficulties.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

    Hello Michael,
    To achieve the desired results, you can use a ToolTipController.
    To show ToolTip in Grid's Column Chooser, I recommend you utilize the approach from the Tooltips in XtraGrid columns chooser? ticket. With this approach, you need to handle the GridView.ShowCustomizationForm event and set the ToolTipController property of CustomizationForm.ActiveListBox.
    To show ToolTip in Grid's group panel, you can handle the GridControl.MouseMove event, check if the cursor is over GroupColumn and show the tooltip by calling the ToolTipController.ShowHint method.

    Attached is a sample that demonstrates both approaches. Please review it and let me know if this is what you need.

      Comments (2)
      MF MF
      Michael Folinsbee 10 years ago

        Thanks Dennis and thanks Sasha for the code sample. It works like a charm in our custom XAF grid view controller!

        Sasha (DevExpress Support) 10 years ago

          Hello Michael,
          We are happy to hear that you found our assistance helpful. Don't hesitate to contact us in case of further difficulties.

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