Ticket T142477
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ASPxGridView - "Select all rows on all pages" tooltip is not localized when a culture set to German

created 11 years ago

Hi DevExpress-Team,

I'm encountering a localization/culture problem with the AspxGridView. In the GridViewCommandColumn the attribute SelectAllCheckboxMode is set to "AllPages". The bin folder contains the subfolder "de" with the DevExpress.Web.v14.1.resources.dll. In the web.config file the uiculture is set to "de":

<globalization culture="de-DE" enableClientBasedCulture="false" fileEncoding="utf-8" uiCulture="de" />

Debugging also shows that the culture of the page is set to "de".

Nevertheless the tooltip is  "Select all rows on all pages" and not the expected german.

Thanks in advance,

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago


    I was able to reproduce the issue. I've informed our R&D team about it and they will research it. We will update this thread once we have any results. Your patience is highly appreciated.

    Best regards,

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)


    This issue is caused by the fact that some strings are not translated in the DE localization.
    The existing translated resource files were kindly sent to us by our clients. We invite you to participate in  making this collection bigger and more complete. Currently, our DE translation is not yet complete. You can explore the existing translate strings, complete and download the required translation via our Localization Service. Please refer to the Localization Service help topic to learn more on how to proceed.
    Once you download the necessary (modified) translation, use recommendations from this help topic to apply the corresponding localization.

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