I have made a stored procedure on a MS Sql server. It runs on the server and I can make a AspxGridview with it. I run the wizard to make the sqldatasource for the AspxGridView, No problem with that.
Now I want to make a Xtrareport with a chart with data from the same stored procedure. When I run the data source wizard "add report data source"
I choose for the same connectionstring I did for the Gridview, same stored procedure etc but I am not able to finish the wizard. It comes with the error Invalid object name #temp01.
When I change my stored procedure by removing the temporary tables , I can finish the wizard , and show the chart in my report. When I put my temporary tables back in the stored procedure I get the same error 'invalid object name' when I run the report.
How can I avoid this error? Why is the connection for a aspxgridview datasource different from a xtrareport datasource ?
Hello Gerd,
Would you please provide us with a database backup, so we will be able to recreate this situation and do our best to fix it?
I made a small example . In the rar file is a database dump Sql server 2008, and a solution creating a aspxgrid view with a proc with a temp table and a report with a proc without temp table. I am not able to use the proc with the temp table in the report
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