Ticket T137726
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Grid's view stated is not saved

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM A2161: How to preserve the XtraGrid View state]
Hmmm doesnt work on my end… the expanded row collapses when I refresh the grid…

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Marc-André Paquette 2 11 years ago

    My project is too big I cannot just send a sample. However, I can describe it to you.
    I have a master-detail grid that is being refreshed every x seconds. The problem (that I didn't experience with 13.1.8) is that the expanded row collapses after the refresh. The RefresherHelper class used to leave the grid view intact.
    Here's my code when I update :
    Dim GridState As New GridControlState(New GridControlState.ViewDescriptor() {New GridControlState.ViewDescriptor("", "ID"), New GridControlState.ViewDescriptor("wtSignals_wtSignals", "ID")})
               If gridHistorique.FocusedView.IsDraggingState Then
               End If
               For Each form As Form In Application.OpenForms
                   Dim customizationForm As CustomizationForm = TryCast(form, CustomizationForm)
                   If customizationForm IsNot Nothing Then
                       If customizationForm.GridControl Is gridHistorique Then Return
                   End If
               Next form
    The RefresherHelper class is an exact copy of the one found in example E1466 (http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Example/Details/E1466)
    Hope this helps.

    Yaroslav (DevExpress Support) 11 years ago

      Hi Marc,
      Most likely, expanded rows are collapsed after refresh due to the behavior described in the Master rows are collapsed when the ListChanged event is raised ticket. Would you please try setting the CollapseDetailRowsOnReset option to False just as the answer of that thread suggests and let us know if it solves the problem?
      We're looking forward to your results.

      M M
      Marc-André Paquette 2 11 years ago

        It worked! Thanks a lot!

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