Ticket T1282760
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Re: XAF Blazor - OnSaving is executed twice

created a day ago

I couldn't understand why the OnSaving method is triggered twice in the DevExpress XAF Web & Win .NET Core 24.2.5 project. I am sending you the project as an example. It is a very basic starter project with no additional development. I don't recall having this issue in previous versions.
How can I fix this problem? Could you help me with this?


using DevExpress.ExpressApp.DC; using DevExpress.Persistent.Base; using DevExpress.Xpo; namespace DXApplication4.Module.BusinessObjects { [DefaultClassOptions] public class DomainObject : XPObject { public DomainObject(Session session) : base(session) { } public override void AfterConstruction() { base.AfterConstruction(); } private string _PersistentProperty; [XafDisplayName("My display name"), ToolTip("My hint message")] public string PersistentProperty { get { return _PersistentProperty; } set { SetPropertyValue(nameof(PersistentProperty), ref _PersistentProperty, value); } } protected override void OnSaving() { base.OnSaving(); } } }

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 5 hours ago

Hello Murat,

Thank you for the sample project, screenshot and code sample.

I confirm that the OnSaving method being called multiple times during a single save operation is expected and by design. We described this in the following help topic: XPO Best Practices > Custom Logic in OnSaving and OnDeleting Methods. Please refer to it for our recommendation regarding custom logic in this method.

Best regards,

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